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Long Covid for the global economy

Prevention is the balm for global economic shock, says respected central bank adviser Professor Warwick McKibbin who says the world’s economic future is uncertain and inflation is likely to remain under a persistent pandemic.
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Stiglitz: No global recovery without equal access to vaccines

Celebrated economist Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor at Columbia Business School, says the slowness in developing a comprehensive approach to debt in emerging markets and developing countries will result in a weaker global recovery. He urged for a restructuring of debt in a coordinated approach between the public and private sector.

Economists call for targeted spending

Three prominent Chicago Booth economists have called for more targeted spending by the US government to more effectively manage the disruption to the economy, but they are not worried about inflation in the near term.

Campbell Harvey: cautiously optimistic

Campbell Harvey, Professor of Finance at Duke University, is optimistic there will be a vaccine developed in the fourth quarter of this year, a period where he also predicts a return to economic growth. However inflation is his biggest fear.
FIS Digital – June 2020

What is the virus world order?

Professor Stephen Kotkin stops to consider the rollercoaster ride in politics, leadership and policy making that we have seen globally over the past few months. Who will win? What does the future look like? And how will the global economy restructure for survival?

Global uncertainty requires risk rethink

Chief risk officer at the World Bank Group, Lakshmi Shyam-Sunder, says the extreme uncertainty of the global economy requires a new risk management framework, and investors should not take anything for granted in scenario planning. The World Bank has revised down its estimates for global growth to below 3 per cent.