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Federal Thrift integrates new ex-China index; inspires others

The $946.9 billion Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) has integrated a new index that excludes China and Hong Kong in its I Fund. The strategy has now inspired leaders of US state pensions to exclude China too.
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Cash and overweight to US equities pays at New Jersey

The New Jersey Division of Investment generated double digit returns in fiscal year 2024 while maintaining good liquidity and dry powder on hand with an overweight to cash and cash equivalents. The cash position is likely to decline through 2025 given the robust pipeline in new private market opportunities.
Investor Profile

Time to walk: AP3 turns away from Europe despite bullish equity outlook

“Europe is great at discussion and regulation, but rather poor at actually doing business,” says Sweden's AP3 CIO, Jonas Thulin. “The equity market is harsh, and when it votes it walks out the door. This has been happening for a long time in Europe.”
Investor Profile

Oregon prepares for stunning productivity gains from AI

Oregon Investment Council heard how AI will have a big impact on the portfolio, particularly equity. Meanwhile, momentum in US equities will remain supported by the stunning earnings of the Magnificent Seven.
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Achieving net zero: It starts in the mind

The CFA Institute mission to help the investment industry understand and fully implement net-zero investing is ramping up. Following the launch of its groundbreaking paper: Net Zero in the Balance: A Guide to Transformative Industry Thinking, the global association of investment professionals continues to highlight the financial risks of climate change and the potential returns […]
Asset Owner Directory

The Asset Owner Directory is an interactive tool to give readers an insight into the world of global asset owners. It includes key information for the largest asset owners around the world such as key personnel, asset allocation and performance.

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FIS Oxford 2024

SWIB develops model to highlight inflation risk

Using a factor model comprising real rates, inflation, growth and liquidity the State of Wisconsin Investment Board has "swapped binoculars for sunglasses" to see a new picture that effectively highlights inflation risk.
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Can artificial intelligence (AI) help stewardship resourcing?

Jessica Gao, associate director of research at the Thinking Ahead Institute, outlines how asset owners can use AI to solve a growing resource gap in stewardship activities.
Fiduciary Investors Series

Why Asia is the future

In the midst of the great power rivalry between the US and China, “we need to carve out a future that works well for all of us” says National University of Singapore’s Danny Quah, in a talk examining the global economy and the role of Asia. Listen here.

Fiduciary Investors Podcast Series

Global Pension Transparency Benchmark

Investors spot key AI applications in portfolio management

AI can add value in almost every part of the investment process, including manager selection and monitoring and risk management, providing support in information gathering and analysis, sometimes from non-traditional and hard-to-access data sources, according to a new CFA Institute Research and Policy Center report.
Asset Allocation
Asset Allocation

San Jose Retirement: How risk-on restored returns

Uniquely positioned in Silicon Valley, the City of San Jose Retirement System is poised to fulfil its 4 per cent target allocation to venture capital. It underscores a bold risk-on strategy that CIO Prabhu Palani has used to transform the fund he joined in 2018.
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Investor Profile

PUBLICA builds alternatives through partnerships

In the latest development of its private market portfolio, Swiss pension fund PUBLICA is investing in infrastructure equity in a partnership with three other Swiss pension funds and Dutch pension investor APG.