Global Pension Transparency Benchmark

Global Pension Transparency Benchmark makes process improvements

The Global Pension Transparency Benchmark, a collaboration between and CEM Benchmarking, ranking pension funds globally on their transparency of disclosures, will make a number of process improvements to the 2024 survey.

For the first time since the benchmark’s launch in 2020, the survey will be updated this year including removing or improving overly interpretative questions; updating the responsible investment survey; and aligning the cost survey questions with reporting best practice as set out by CEM’s Global Reporting Principles.

Consistent with the benchmark’s approach to be inclusive of the industry to drive better performance, a consultation period on the new survey will be open from February 1 to March 1, 2024. [Click here]

The benchmark scores the five largest organisations in 15 countries on the transparency of their public disclosures across four factors: performance, cost, governance, and responsible investing. This year the five largest funds in each country will be re-assessed, and there is an exploration for ways that organisations outside the top five can participate.

The benchmark will be published in October, 2024.

For last year’s results, including the overall top fund (Norges Bank Investment Management), the winners in each category and the biggest improvers, click here.

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