Asset Owner Directory

British Coal Pension Schemes

The BCSSS is one of the largest occupational pension schemes in the UK, providing benefits for over 45,000 pensioners and deferred members. In 1994 the Scheme was closed following the privatisation of the industry.

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United Kingdom



Performance (%, 1YR)


Chief Executive

Geoffrey Mellor

Chief Investment Officer

Mark Walker


Cheryl Agius

Asset allocation
Asset allocation as of March 31, 2020 was as follows: Cash (2.7%), Global Government Bonds (12.0%), Global Investment Grade Credit (8.9%), Global Multi-Asset Credit (2.3%), Private Debt (10.4%), Special Situations Debt (8.3%), Public Equity (19.2%), Private Equity (13.7%), Property (12.1%), Global Infrastructure (0.05%), UK Infrastructure (5.2%), Global Macro (2.2%) Other (2.6%) related articles
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Pension CIOs re-evaluate China exposure

The CIOs of three global pension schemes have told the 2023 Fiduciary Investors Symposium they are re-evaluating or reducing their exposure to the world’s second largest economy as tensions between the US and China escalate. But they are resisting total divestment to a country that still dominates emerging markets benchmarks.

UK funds focus on manager diversity

A group of major UK pension funds have committed to assessing diversity and inclusion as part of manager selection. Fund managers wanting to work with these clients will have to disclose information and demonstrate real devotion on how they are tackling diversity and inclusion within their workforce. 
Investor Profile

Coal moves to holistic management

The COVID crisis and the volatility of 2020 has revealed some lessons for the investment team at Coal Pension Trustees (CPT). It has taken a more top down view of managing its portfolio looking at economic themes, risk exposures, cashflows and its manager roster holistically. Amanda White talks to CIO Mark Walker about where it sees return opportunities, the prospect of manager consolidation and how it has embraced technology for better investment practices.
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