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Rotman school launches governance program…

Enhancing board effectiveness and governance of pension funds and other “long-horizon investment institutions” is the focus of a new program at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.

Aimed at trustees, the program – Board Effectiveness Program for Pension and Other Long-Horizon

Investment Institutions – will cover organisation mission, the roles of board and management, investment beliefs, the management of risk, organisation design, and human resource management including compensation.

Keith Ambachtsheer, director of Rotman International Centre for Pension Management and academic director of the new program, says it is not surprising the governance and management of these funds has become more complex as they have grown into investment giants.

“There is evidence suggesting many governing boards and managements are stuggling to keep up with the implications of this growing complexity. The program will provide the tools needed for directors to address key strategic issues of their organisations including providing an opportunity to build an international network for dialogue among themselves.”

Details of the program, which will begin in November, can be found here

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