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FIS Oxford 2015

Alternative investments grow in attractiveness

Alternative investments have become a valuable income stream and liability matching tool at UK pension fund Centrica says Chetan Ghosh, Chief investment Officer at the £6.7 billion pension fund. With current gilt yields making liability matching expensive, the fund has begun investing in alternative strategies that include solar panel installations benefiting from the government’s Feed-in-Tariff, […]
Uncategorised posts

EDHEC: a bridge to practical portfolio construction

The new chairman of EDHEC-Risk Institute’s international advisory board, chief investment strategist at Swedish pension fund AP2, Tomas Franzen, says institutional investors should embrace academia and be open to applying research in the implementation of practical portfolio construction. He says that while investing is part art and part science, it is important to employ science […]
Emerging Markets

AP2 extends metrics to emerging markets debt

Swedish buffer fund AP2 is investigating a move from traditional market cap-weighted benchmarks for its fixed-income portfolio to using other metrics, such as fiscal sustainability or GDP weights, the fund’s chief investment strategist Tomas Franzen says. The 216.6-billion Swedish krona ($30.9 billion) fund has more than 36 per cent of its portfolio in investment-grade fixed […]
Investor Profile

Swedish fund takes the long view

As an avowed long-term investor the Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) has taken a 40-year view when looking at its balance sheet, which includes attempting to comprehensively build in sustainability considerations into its investment strategy.