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FIS Oxford 2015

Strong governance begins with robust culture and teams in place

Keith Ambachtsheer, Director Emeritus, Rotman International Centre for Pension Management argues that good governance begins with having “the right team in the room.” This means robust human resource teams, the ability to address issues around understaffing and raising the effectiveness of board members. “Board governance is still a work in progress today,” he argues, speaking […]
FIS Oxford 2015

Experts mull strategies in slow growth climate

Speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Oxford University’s Rhodes House Fiona Trafford-Walker, director of consulting at Frontier Advisors argues that Australian investors are operating in a changed environment and need to “get used to slower economic growth.” Speaking as part of an expert panel on how the continued environment of slow growth and low […]
FIS Oxford 2015

Institutions look to hedge funds to meet portfolio expectations

“Do hedge funds make sense?” asks Jean-Marc Stenger, chief investment officer for alternative investments at Lyxor Asset Management speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Oxford University’s Rhodes House. Hedge fund assets may have reached a record $3 trillion in 2014 but the decision by a number of high profile pension funds to drop hedge funds from […]
FIS Oxford 2015

Macro diversification: How do investors diversify risk?

“Geopolitics does matter and how to navigate geopolitical events on a portfolio is challenging,” argues Tom Clarke, partner and portfolio manager at William Blair speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Rhodes House, Oxford University. In a session dedicated to macro strategies for investors to best navigate today’s complex investment universe and diversify risk, Clarke argues that “hiding” from […]
FIS Oxford 2015

Oxford Professor urges urgent European reform

The University of Oxford’s distinguished Professor of Economics David Vines predicted the ongoing crisis in Europe will turn into a “train wreck with implications for investors” unless governments undertake significant reforms. He urges for large write downs of the sovereign debt of southern European countries, a loosening of austerity in those countries and a significant […]