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Russell takes up fundamental index for alternative beta series

Rob Arnott
Rob Arnott

Alternative beta is catching on, with Russell Investments the latest market index builder to embrace the non-cap-weighted index trend by inking a deal with Rob Arnott’s Research Affiliates company.

Russell will launch a series of “fundamental” indices, in association with Research Affiliates, during the third quarter of this year.

Fundamental indices rank stocks according to a range of factors which the strength of the underlying businesses rather than the price multiple of all their shares (capitalisation value). Critics have suggested that it is a form of value-biased index but Research Affiliates say that more factors are assessed than price:earnings figures.

Arnott, the founder and chair of Research Affiliates, said that about US$50 billion in assets were being managed using fundamental indices around the world.

Russell’s Ron Bundy, the managing director for indices, said the firm would continue to believe that cap-weighted indices represented the best description of the market’s opportunity set and therefore the most appropriate benchmarks for investors.

However he noted the increasing demand from index investors for a “more active” approach using alternative beta.

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The big quant index houses, State Street Global Advisors and Barclays Global Investors (now BlackRock), have provided various bespoke and packaged indices in recent years.

SSgA, for instance, has a “diversified” index strategy which combines low-volatility with value and size tilts.

Russell, which is best known for its multi-manager funds and asset consulting, pioneered the development of growth and value indices in the US in the 1980s. The first index in the new series is likely to be a global equities index.

Research Affiliates, based in Newport, California, also provides a range of investment services from direct asset management and sub-advisory services to licensing agreements.

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