Since 1917, PSERS has been serving the public school employees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PSERS was created as a defined benefit plan; a qualified trust under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. PSERS’ role expanded upon the passage of Act 5 of 2017 to include oversight of two new hybrid options consisting of defined benefit and defined contribution (DC) components and a stand-alone DC plan. To serve the increasingly complex retirement needs of our members, PSERS continues to initiate and to expand its active and retired member programs and to enhance return through a safe yet agile investment policy.
United States
Terrill J. Sanchez
Benjamin L. Cotton
Chris Santa Maria
22.2% Public Equity
31.4% Fixed Income
17.1% Private Equity
10.4% Real Estate
6.4% Absolute Return
10.3% Commodities
2.2% Other
Asset allocation as of June 30, 2022. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website