Asset Owner Directory

North Carolina Retirement Systems

The Department of the State Treasurer (DST) serves the people of North Carolina through a variety of functions including, managing the 26th largest pool of public money in the world, administrating health care for over 700,000 active and retired state employees, and maintaining the N.C. Total Retirement Plans for over 900,000 current and former state employees and their beneficiaries. The majority of the assets managed by the Investment Management Division belong to the various pension funds administered by the State Treasurer. Collectively, these systems and funds are referred to as the North Carolina Retirement System.

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United States



Performance (%, 1YR)


Chief Investment Officer

Christopher Morris and Jeff Smith


Dale R. Folwell

Asset allocation

39.3% Fixed Income and Cash

33.6% Public Equity

1.1% Limited Liability Public Equity

6.3% Other Fixed Income

8% Real Estate

7.7% Private Equity

4.8% Inflation protection related articles
Investor Profile

North Carolina to consider DC option

The trustees of the $65 billion North Carolina Retirement Systems will vote on whether to introduce a defined contribution plan when the board meets on Jannuary 20, one of the significant recommendations by the Future of Retirement Study Commission. Sponsored Content
Asset Owner Directory