Asset Owner Directory

New York State Common Retirement Fund

The New York State Common Retirement Fund is the third largest public pension fund in the United States. The Fund holds and invests the assets of the New York State and Local Retirement System on behalf of more than one million state and local government employees and retirees and their beneficiaries. The Fund has consistently been ranked as one of the best managed and best funded plans in the nation.

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United States



Performance (%, 1YR)


Chief Executive

Thomas P. DiNapoli

Chief Investment Officer

Anastasia Titarchuk


Catherine A. Lynch

Asset allocation

31.31% Domestic Equity

12.83% International Equity

14.61% Private Equity

10.29% Real Estate

2.59% Opportunistic/Absolute Returns

3.74% Credit

3.11% Real Assets

20.47% Fixed income

1.06% Cash related articles

How CalSTRS took on Exxon

In an unequivocal message to boards that climate inaction could cost them their positions, Exxon shareholders voted this week to replace atleast two of its directors with those that have experience in climate transition. It is a win for CalSTRS which has been vocal in its support of Engine No.1, the activist hedge fund that put forward the alternative directors. The proposal was also supported by CalPERS and New York State Common Retirement Fund.
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