The public sector additional pension scheme (RAFP) is a mandatory, points-based scheme created for fully qualified and trainee civil servants working in French central government (civilians and military), local and regional authorities and the public hospitals sector, as well as members of the judiciary. Thanks to the Scheme, close to 4.5 million contributors benefit from additional pension benefits. The French public additionnal pension scheme (ERAFP) is the public-sector administrative entity that manages this pension scheme.
Laurent Galzy
Catherine Vialonga
Vincent Lidsky
16.9% Public Sector Bonds
27.8% Corporate Bonds
2.7% Convertible Bonds
32.4% Equities
2.9% Multi-asset
3.1% Private Equity & Infrastructure
12.5% Real Estate
1.6% Cash
Asset allocation as of December 31, 2023. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website