The Alaska Retirement Management Board assumed fiduciary responsibility for the assets of the state’s retirement systems as of October 1, 2005. The board consists of nine trustees and is staffed by the Department of Revenue – Treasury Division. ARMB also contracts with an external consulting firm for assistance with asset allocation, strategy, performance measurement, general consulting purposes and with a consulting firm for assistance with investing the real estate portfolio. The primary mission of the Alaska Retirement Management Board is to serve as the trustee of the assets of the state’s retirement systems, the State of Alaska Supplemental Annuity Plan, the deferred compensation program for state employees, and the Alaska retiree health care trusts.
United States
Zachary Hanna
Bob Williams
20% Fixed Income
23% Broad Domestic Equity
16% Global Equity Ex-US
8% Multi-Assets
17% Private Equity
15% Real Assets
Asset allocation as of June 30, 2023. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website