Asset owners are increasingly looking to technology to more effectively manage complex multi-asset portfolios, enhance returns and better inform risk management decisions. looks at how technology is being used by asset owners including LACERA and REST, and the insights of BCIMCo's chief technology officer, Tony Payne.
Pension funds positioning for growth should prioritise building technological capacity according to chair of Alberta Investment Management Company Mark Wiseman who led CPPIB through a significant growth period.
In its latest position paper, Australia's Future Fund outlines its investment approach in a new investment landscape characterised by the end of 60:40 portfolios, inflation, declining corporate earnings and climate change - amongst others.
The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is introducing more technology in its own internal processes and is determined to become a more active - and reactive - investor. The fund’s decision to invest more in its own in-house technology came with the realisation that a slow down in its capacity to generate alpha was linked to a lack of investment in big data and AI.
A company's ability to sell direct-to-consumer, cloud computing and digitisation in payments are key areas for investors to focus. Investors should invest in companies that have a business model aligned to how people want to buy goods and prepare for a separation whereby companies with the technology to adapt streak ahead.
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