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FIS Harvard 2019

We are going to live longer; prepare now

Understanding the economic implications of changing demographics is essential for investors, said Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist speaking at the Fiduciary Investors' Symposium at Harvard University He said the technology exists today so that the ageing process can be combated and people will live much longer in the future than what they do today, so really “longevity is a side effect of health”. He urged investors to think about how people living longer will affect consumer behaviour and investee companies.

Towards a new generation of pension funds in Australia

Numerous surveys suggest that Australians are not completely satisfied with superannuation as it exists today. First, fund members tend to think that they will not have enough to retire and second, that investment plan providers are not necessarily acting in their best interest. In this context, we asked in a recent study supported by AXA […]

Gloom at NAPF attests to investor adventure

One year on and the job of trustees gathered at the United Kingdom’s National Association of Pension Funds, NAPF, annual investment conference in Edinburgh hasn’t got any easier. As the search for optimism in a low-return world endures, the conference seems to be caught in a time loop. Compared to last year, deciding on the […]