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A guide for trustees for the long term

Last month the book Achieving Investment Excellence, was launched in the auditorium of Dutch pension investor APG. The book is a guide to empowering pension fund trustees to get a good grip on the difficulty of successful long-term investing for pension funds. spoke to one of the authors, principal director investment strategy of PGGM, Jaap van Dam.
FIS Cambridge 2019

A practical guide to the long-term

Thinking and acting long-term and holding their service providers to account on long-term risk behaviours and measures, is one of asset owners’ most enduring challenges. Speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Cambridge University a panel of experts highlighted important tools asset owners can deploy to ensure they stay focused on the long-term.

Asset owners’ climate-change advice

A new guide, Climate Change for Asset Owners, provides case studies and other practical advice for how to get investor organisations focused on climate change, how to craft a related investment strategy and how to implement it. The publication includes content from 10 asset owners.