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As inflation batters, TRS eyes natural gas

Inflation woes dominated at a recent TRS board meeting. However the Texas-based fund, one of the few remaining investors in fossil fuels, has benefited from its allocation to energy and is currently eyeing opportunities in natural gas infrastructure as US producers gear up to supply global demand in Russia's absence.
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TRS fuels up for energy surge

The $155 billion Teacher Retirement System of Texas is restoring its target allocation to energy, as experts see favourable conditions due to higher US oil production and continued reliance on fossil fuels. This is at odds with other investors divesting from fossil fuels.

End of the beginning for responsible investment

Recent reflections on this month’s five-year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse have focused on a variety of developments since the crisis: from reform to remuneration, sovereign debt to shadow banking, and from offshore tax to the Occupy movement. However, one significant area that has been largely overlooked has been the rise of sustainable and […]
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Connecticut fund manager seeks cash flow

United States equities and real estate were the strongest suits at the $26-billion Hartford-based State of Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds (CRPTF) out of an entire portfolio that posted 11.6 per cent in the fiscal year ending June 2013. Now the manager of Connecticut’s six retirement plans and nine trust funds is developing opportunistic […]