The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) is a self-administered defined benefit pension scheme that is registered in terms of the Pension Fund Act 24 of 1956 to provide retirement, death and ancillary benefits to the government employees and employees of other government institutions and state owned enterprises who participated in the scheme.
David Nujoma
Conville Britz
Nillian Mulemi
21.09% NA Bonds
3% Property
12.59% NA Dual Equity
5.51% NA Local Equity
1.35% NA Property
10.44% ILB
1.06% ZA Bond
14.43% ZA Equity
1.36% ZA Property
1.36% ZA Cash
3.62% Africa Equity
0.41% Africa Property
17.03% Global Equity
2.29% Global Property (Europe)
0.37% Global Cash
2.45% China Equity
Asset allocation as of March 31, 2022. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website