The Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) of the State of Hawaii was established in 1926 to provide retirement allowances and other benefits to State and county government employees. The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the ERS, with certain areas of administrative control vested in the State Department of Budget and Finance.
United States
Thomas Williams
Kristin Varela
Genevieve Gines Ley
13.5% Private Equity
20% Global Equity
4% Low Volatility Equity
4% Global Options
6% Credit
6% Core Real Estate
4.5% Non-Core Real Estate
5% Timber/Agriculture/Infrastructure
2% TIPs
4% Global Macro
4% Reinsurance
8% Alternative Risk Premia
5% Long Treasuries
4% Intermediate Government
10% Systematic Trend Following
Asset allocation as of June 30, 2022. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website