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US public pension funds underperform

US public-pension funds significantly underperform their global peers in real-estate portfolios due to a propensity to manage the assets externally, according to a new ICPM-sponsored research paper by three Maastricht University academics. Value added from funds management in private markets: an examination of pension fund investments in real estate looks at real-estate investing among the […]
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Rotman ICPM research

The Rotman International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM) has approved five research projects for funding this year, including a behavioural-finance project by Swedish academics, to investigate plan members’ views of the “extended” fiduciary duty of pension funds. This project, to be conducted by Joakim Sandberg, Anders Biel and Magnus Jansson from the University of Gothenburg […]

Climate change dwarfs euro crisis when seen from afar

Someone once told me the reason the Dalai Lama is always smiling, even when he’s talking about war, is that his view of the world, and all its troubles, is like a knowing father watching a child work through the wonderment and challenges of life. It is with this view that institutional investors must face […]