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Is innovation in finance a good thing?

Innovation is usually viewed by economists as a productivity-enhancing force, powering economic growth in modern capitalist societies. But damage can also be done by innovations, especially in the financial sector where agency issues create the potential for negligence and rent extraction. A more cautious perspective might help investors and policymakers better manage the risks that inevitably accompany financial innovations and contribute to more stable and efficient markets.

Infra risks misunderstood

Investors in infrastructure do know how much risk they are taking and they are not happy about it, according to the 2019 EDHECinfra/G20 survey. This is the first installment of a three part series examining the results according to asset allocation, monitoring and risk management.
Industry events

Chiefs outline risks in global economy

The impact of inequality, the skills gap in employment, looming cyber risks and the fragility in Europe makes the chiefs of five financial services firms wary about the outlook for the global economy, delegates at the Milken Institute Global Conference heard.

Homogenous behaviour imperils markets

Global markets are more interconnected than ever. That provides many benefits but it also has its drawbacks. Chief among those is the potential for investors to move in lockstep when driven by fear or euphoria, creating feedback loops that can result in crashes.
Hedge Funds

Absolute returns boost Statewide

Australia’s Statewide Super is a top performer under Con Michalakis who embraces absolute returns and active managers while fighting against what he sees as the greatest risk of all, complacency.

A broader view of risk

In the first of a series of contributed articles exclusively for, global head of investment research at Mercer, Deb Clarke examines the decision making of long-horizon investors.