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FIS Oxford 2015

Alternative investments grow in attractiveness

Alternative investments have become a valuable income stream and liability matching tool at UK pension fund Centrica says Chetan Ghosh, Chief investment Officer at the £6.7 billion pension fund. With current gilt yields making liability matching expensive, the fund has begun investing in alternative strategies that include solar panel installations benefiting from the government’s Feed-in-Tariff, […]
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Liquidity premium escapes UK investors

  UK pension funds have not taking advantage of their comparative advantage as long-term investors and have not earned a positive long-run liquidity premium on their investments, according to a paper from the Cass Business School that examines UK pension funds’ monthly allocations to major asset classes over the period 1987-2012. The authors – David […]

How to hedge long-term inflation-linked liabilities without inflation-linked instruments

Given the capacity constraints on local inflation-linked bond markets, what are other options for hedging long-term inflation-linked liabilities? This is a question Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan has been deliberating on as it supports an academic chair at EDHEC-Risk Institute with a focus on analysing the design of novel forms of liability-hedging portfolios that do not […]

What, really, are your pension liabilities?

Liabilities in UK pension schemes are grossly under-estimated with the current valuation system not recognising  the perilous funding position in both corporate and public systems. The implications for not addressing this include huge financial costs borne unfairly by younger members of the schemes. Stefan Lundbergh, head of innovation, and Andrew Stewart, client manager at Cardano, […]