Today marks the relaunch of our publication with a new look and added features. I’m sure you’ll agree our amazing team of graphic and web designers have done a stellar job. While we have a new look, you can be assured we are not only maintaining, but honing, our fierce passion and dedication to advancing institutional investment best practice and will continue to tackle the issues we believe the industry needs to overcome to operate efficiently and serve its various constituents fairly and justly – particularly the workers whose money they manage. We aim to courageously challenge the industry on fees and value, investment transparency and complexity; governance, agency problems, decision making and organisational change; and importantly, ethics, integrity and systemic risks.
Our editorial will continue to showcase best practice, highlighting good news stories through case studies and in-depth interviews with chief investment officers and heads of pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and endowments.
In addition to original stories and editorials, our relaunch includes more voices in our publication and next year you will hear from some of the leading thinkers in our industry including academics, chief investment officers and consultants.
The new look also marks a closer unity with our event series, the Fiduciary Investors Symposium.
This event, held twice a year, brings together global investors to examine the management of fiduciary assets looking at asset allocation, risk management, beta management and alpha generation.
It has become recognised as an event that challenges the influence and responsibility of fiduciary capital and explores the evolution in fiduciary investment management.
As institutional investors grow in asset size and power, bring more investments in house and demand more of their service providers, it is essential that they are equipped with contemporary thinking and technology. The event, and the subsequent stories we write from the excellent presentations, aim to arm investors with tools to do their jobs better.
The event series is hosted at leading educational institutions – including in the past Harvard, Oxford and Chicago Booth – and draws on some of the world’s leading investment thinkers.
The next event will be at King’s College, Cambridge University from April 10–12, 2016 and will enable institutional investors to engage with industry thought leaders in academia and practice in a collegiate environment that promotes shared discussion. Managing assets as a fiduciary comes with a complex range of responsibilities and commitments. This conference examines the holistic approach to fiduciary investing and how fiduciary management has evolved, including the wider responsibilities of long-term investors in stabilising financial markets, social welfare and environmental management.
Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy the new publication.