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Investor Profile

Swiss investor gets real

Publica, one of Switzerland’s largest investors, is reallocating assets away from government bonds into real assets as it dynamically adjusts asset allocation due to macro-economic instability.
Investor Profile

Exploring the depths of sustainable investing

Many institutional funds boast responsible investing credentials, but Switzerland’s Nest Sammelstiftung has taken the extra step of molding its investment strategy around a sustainable template. The sustainable agenda is more than just a focus for Nest. It forms the very ethos of a fund that markets itself to potential members as “the ecological and ethical […]
Uncategorised posts

Swiss referendum: funds’ headache or investor utopia?

The idea of referendums setting the agenda for institutional investors may be a frightening pipe dream in much of the world, but Switzerland’s unique brand of direct democracy is set to revolutionise its funds’ priorities. Swiss funds are due to be anointed as no less than the country’s official guardians against “rip-off” executive salaries. That […]
Investor Profile

Vita Sammelstiftung puts bond holdings under microscope

Samuel Lisse, chief executive of Switzerland’s Vita Sammelstiftung (Vita), is currently in the process of hiring a new head of investment. The new appointee will have plenty resting in the in-tray, it appears, as she starts to assist the investment committee that governs the strategy of the 8.5-billion-Swiss-franc ($9.1-billion) joint foundation. That is not because […]