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Investor Profile

CPP evolves total portfolio approach

Understanding the drivers of your portfolio risk and return, and then using that information to more dynamically adjust the portfolio, is one of the benefits of the total portfolio approach according to CPP's Manroop Jhooty, whose total fund management team is exploring whether to include emerging factors in portfolio design.
Investor Profile

How CPP’s active equities team delivers pure alpha

The active equities team at CPP Investments has abandoned antiquated investment categorisations, such as style and size, and views companies through a more holistic “domain” interpretation. Global head Frank Ieraci discusses the team’s approach and the contributions it makes to the total fund, including capital efficiency, agility and pure alpha.
Organisational Design

What does it take to succeed at scale?

As the Australian superannuation funds evolve and get bigger they face a question of whether to copy the organisational structures of their bigger, more sophisticated Canadian counterparts, or find their own way that more adequately befits some of their unique features and better serves members.