Asset Owner Directory

PMT Pensioensfonds Metaal & Techniek

Pensioenfonds Metaal & Techniek (PMT) is the industry-wide pension fund for the metal and technical sectors. PMT is the Netherland’s third largest pension fund, with over 34,300 employers, serving 1.4 million active, former and retired plan participants.

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Performance (%, 1YR)


Chief Executive

Inge van den Doel

Chief Investment Officer

Hartwig Liersch


Terry Troost

Asset allocation

9.2% Property

30.9% Shares

59.5% Fixed Income

0.4% Other Investment related articles
Investor Profile

PMT’s new index shakes up its equities

The €72 billion Dutch metal industry pension fund has developed its own benchmark that combines ESG, long-term returns and current beneficiaries’ sensibilities with its previous passive strategy. The index’s various criteria have screened out many companies PMT previously held and reduced its allocation to US equities.

PMT builds equity benchmark

PMT, the $81 billion Dutch pension fund for metal and technical workers, will introduce its own bespoke developed market equity benchmark to help align investments with its ESG principles.
Investor Profile

PMT evaluates risk tool kit

Theo Jeurissen, chief investment officer of the Netherlands’ third largest pension fund, the €30 billion ($44 billion) PMT, talks to Kristen Paech about how the fund is re-assessing its risk frameworks post-crisis, and why a low tracking error is the cornerstone of the fund’s investment policy. Sponsored Content
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