Asset Owner Directory

PKA Pension Fund

PKA Ltd. is one of the largest pension service providers for labour market pension funds in Denmark. PKA manage 4 pension funds with a total of 320,000 members – the Pension Fund for Pharmaconimists, the Pension Fund for Social Workers, Social Educators and Office Staff, the Pension Fund for Health Care Professionals and the Pension Fund for Nurses and Medical Secretaries

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Chief Executive

Jon Johnsen

Chief Investment Officer

Michael Nellemann Pedersen


Anders Kühnau

Asset allocation related articles
PRI in Person

PKA pioneers SDGs in emerging markets

Denmark's PKA pension fund is leading the way in investing in emerging markets in line with the SDGs. It targets 10 per cent of its $40 billion in alternative ESG investments and an increasing portion of that is invested in emerging markets via allocations to green bonds, infrastructure, microfinance, water sanitation and a specific SDG fund.
Investor Profile

PKA seeks to satisfy its infrastructure hunger

The DKK200-billion ($35-billion) Danish medical professionals pension fund grouping, PKA, wants its government to help satisfy its appetite for investing in major infrastructure projects. Frank Jensen, an analyst on its asset strategy team, says PKA “is eager to get started” on sealing public-private partnerships with the Danish government, but its plans “have not come as […]