Asset Owner Directory

New York City Police Pension Fund

New York City Police Pension Fund (NYC PPF) is a single-employer public pension fund based in New York City, New York. Established in 1857, the fund is dedicated to providing retirement and pension benefits to full-time uniformed employees of the Police Department. Assets are managed by NYC Bureau of Asset Management.

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United States



Performance (%, 1YR)


Chief Executive

Kevin Holloran

Chief Investment Officer

Steven Meier

Asset allocation
Asset allocation is target

30% US Equities

8% Developed Market Equities

5% Emerging Market Equities

28% Fixed Income

8% Private Equity

7% Private Real Estate

3% Infrastructure

6% Hedge Funds

5% Opportunistic Fixed Income related articles
FIS Harvard 2019

NYC Retirement Systems’ S in ESG

Speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Harvard University, John Adler, mayor’s trustee and advisor to the other mayoral appointees at New York City’s $200 billion five retirement systems, highlighted the critical role investors play in protecting workers’ rights and ensuring a just transition as the global economy adapts to the implications of climate change.
Uncategorised posts

California passes placement agent disclosure bill

In the latest chapter regarding the role of third-party placement agents, the California Senate has passed a bill supported by the state’s largest pension fund, CalPERS, aimed at increasing transparency around the fees paid to these agents doing business with public pension plans. Sponsored Content
Uncategorised posts

NYC pension funds divest from Iran

The five New York City pension funds selling shares worth $10.8 million in two companies with business ties to Iran have been asked to adopt resolutions for the phased divestment of holdings in eight more companies with ties to the country which, in total, have a market value of more than $141 million. Sponsored Content
Asset Owner Directory