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Bauer to head Rotman programs

The former head of research at ABP, and renowned pension academic, Rob Bauer, has been appointed associate director, programs, at the Rotman International Centre for Pension Management.

It is one of two recent appointments – with Ann Henhoeffer, the centre’s new associate director, business development and operations – aimed at ‘furthering the development of ICPM as a global catalyst for improving pension management’.

Bauer is a professor of finance at Maastricht University in The Netherlands and his academic research is focused on pension funds, asset liability management, strategic investment policy, mutual fund performance, responsible investing and corporate governance.

He has been a board member of ICPM since its inception in 2005. In his new role he will be involved in organising the two Rotman ICPM discussion forums each year, case study development, as well as representing Rotman ICPM around the world.

The Toronto-based Rotman ICPM sponsors research and fosters dialogue that focuses on building better pension deals, better pension fund organisations, and better pension legislation and regulation.

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Its director, Keith Ambachtsheer, says the two appointments facilitate the school’s growth as it builds the knowledge needed to improve the management of pensions around the world.

He also acknowledged the 2009 appointment of Rotman Professor, Alexander Dyck, as the inaugural ICPM Professor of Pension Management at the School.

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