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FIS Oxford 2024

DC behemoths open up on cultural and investment growth

Nest and AustralianSuper, the largest defined contribution trust funds in their respective countries, face similar challenges related to growth. The Fiduciary Investors Symposium at the University of Oxford heard how the funds are leaning into their growth challenges from a cultural and investment perspective.
Investor Profile

Behind AustralianSuper’s global expansion

London-based AustralianSuper deputy CIO Damian Moloney oversees the global expansion plans of Australia’s largest superannuation fund. While a global presence has clear benefits for the fund and its members, Moloney’s advice to others contemplating the same is to plan extensively and build early.
Organisational Design

What does it take to succeed at scale?

As the Australian superannuation funds evolve and get bigger they face a question of whether to copy the organisational structures of their bigger, more sophisticated Canadian counterparts, or find their own way that more adequately befits some of their unique features and better serves members.
Investor Profile

AustralianSuper rebalances equities

Australia’s largest superannuation fund, the A$250 billion AustralianSuper, plans to decrease its equity allocation in favour of fixed income according to the fund’s CIO Mark Delaney, as he predicts central banks will tap the brakes on monetary policy amid concerns of rising inflation.