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FIS Oxford 2015

Alternative investments grow in attractiveness

Alternative investments have become a valuable income stream and liability matching tool at UK pension fund Centrica says Chetan Ghosh, Chief investment Officer at the £6.7 billion pension fund. With current gilt yields making liability matching expensive, the fund has begun investing in alternative strategies that include solar panel installations benefiting from the government’s Feed-in-Tariff, […]
Investor Profile

Europe, alternatives pay for Danish Sampension

The herd mentality of investors has been agonised over for as long as markets have been around. The dilemma is often raised of whether to participate in or shun market trends, but the DKK150-billion ($27-billion) Sampension has succeeded recently with a selective approach. It has fully embraced the institutional diversification movement by building a significant […]
Investor Profile

New Jersey: a state of long-term agility

As another fiscal year draws to a close Tim Walsh, director of the New Jersey Division of Investment, investment managers of the $75.64-billion New Jersey Pension Fund, reflects on another good year. “It’s been a double-digit year with the best asset classes, plain vanilla US equities and structured credit,” he says speaking from the Division […]
Investor Profile

The fund behind London’s tube shifts

Transport for London, the organisation behind the network of buses, underground or “tube” trains, trams and bicycles that keep the United Kingdom’s capital city on the move, has a reputation for its generous employee benefits. But of all the staff perks on offer, including 30 days holiday a year and subsidised travel expenses, membership of […]