Pensionskasse Stadt Zurich (PKZH) is a public pension fund based in Zurich, Switzerland. Established in 1913, PKZH has been looking after the pension and insurance affairs of all city employees.
Helga Portmann
Jürg Tobler
Melanie Gajowski
1.4% Liquid Funds
10.5% Nominal CHF Bonds
18.1% Nominal Foreign Bonds
11.6% Swiss Real Estate
6.1% Foreign Real Estate
3.9% Swiss Equities
19.8% Industrial Countries Equities
4.3% Emerging Markets Equities
11.4% Private Equities
1.1% Renewable Energy Infrastructure
8.4% Hedge Funds
3.4% Insurance Securitisation
Asset allocation as of December 31, 2022. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website