Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP) is a Public Pension located in Oslo Norway, Europe.The main aspects of KLP’s public sector occupational pension scheme, include: membership, pension entitlements in connection with change of employer and leave of absence, applications for pension. Everyone who lives in Norway can receive a pension or other benefits from the National Insurance Scheme paid by Nav. Employers are responsible for having an occupational pension for their employees. Those who work in the public sector or in a position with a public service pension have a public service pension. Public occupational pensions are more comprehensive than occupational pensions in the private sector. KLP manages public sector occupational pensions for employees in many municipalities, county municipalities, health trusts and other companies in Norway.
Sverre Thornes
Aage E. Schaanning
Tine Sundtoft
30.2% Equities
12.2% Short-term Bonds
1.9% Other Financial Assets
29% Long-term/HTM Bonds
12% Lending
14.7% Property
Asset allocation as of December 31, 2022. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website