Oak Pension Asset Management (OPAM) is a corporate pension based in London, United Kingdom. Established in 2010, it is the in-house asset manager for the Barclays pension fund. Oak Pension Asset Management is the investment division of Barclays UK Retirement Fund. The fund is managed by an executive team. Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund is a single-employer corporate pension based in Redhill, United Kingdom. The plan provides death, disability, and retirement benefits to the eligible UK-based employees of Barclays Bank. The assets are managed by the Barclays Pension Funds Trustees.
United Kingdom
Bridget Houghton
Tony Broccardo
Eileen Haughey
35% Cash and LDI
20% High Quality Credit
27% Contractual Cash Flow Assets
18% High Return Assets
Asset allocation as of September 30, 2022. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website