The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) is an independent agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government. The RRB’s primary function is to administer comprehensive retirement-survivor and unemployment-sickness benefit programs for the nation’s railroad workers and their families, under the Railroad Retirement and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Acts. As part of the retirement program, the RRB also has administrative responsibilities under the Social Security Act for certain benefit payments and railroad workers’ Medicare coverage.
United States
William Carr III
William Carr III
Erhard R. Chorle
28% US Equity
20% Non-US Equity
12% Private Equity
14% US Fixed Income
5% Global Fixed Income
2% Private Debt
10% Real Estate
4% Absolute Return
3% Oppurtunistic
2% Cash
Asset allocation as of September 30, 2023. All information is as per the most recent annual report or other publicly available data via the fund's website