Identifying best practice in pension management is not a straightforward task. As much as asset allocators may want there to be a definitive answer, differences in size, mandate and resources between different pension funds means an investment approach that works for one may not work for others.
Despite global pension markets’ varying levels of maturity, the goal of combining portfolio resilience with meeting fund objectives is the same, and it can be achieved through different manifestations of governance structures.
For asset owners to stay the course of a long-term investing view, not only do their investment teams need to be behind the objective, but also their board and external managers. Or investors might find themselves fighting an uphill battle in a market where short-termism is prevalent.
The power of artificial intelligence to makes sense of huge volumes of data and produce real business gains has obvious appeal for asset owners. Working out how to apply the technology can be overwhelming, but the Fiduciary Investors Symposium heard that the most important thing is to start.
AI is on every investor’s lips as a technology that will revolutionise businesses and industries. The Fiduciary Investors Symposium heard that looking past the hype to the tangible, on-the-ground benefits presents some genuine challenges for asset owners and the managers they often employ to do it for them.
The pace of development in artificial intelligence and machine learning is head-spinning. The Fiduciary Investors Symposium heard there are examples from the industrial past that serve as good indicators of how the new technology will be adopted, its likely impact, and both short- and long-term strategies for effective adoption.
The foundations of the modern Canadian pension fund industry were laid decades ago, and organisations today continue to reap the benefits. The Fiduciary Investors Symposium in Toronto heard that the potential of the industry is immense, built on solid principles and an embrace of new technology and processes.
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